How to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is when you become depressed during the changing of the seasons. I have recently talked to many people that have expressed concern about their "winter blues" starting to creep in already. I thought it would be appropriate to offer you action steps as to how you can beat those feelings this winter. But please know, you will not be able to beat the winter blues if you keep thinking about winter in the same way you always have. Start to see the good in these specific months, find new opportunities, and create a different perspective!
What you ingest is so important.
Your body loves to be in sync with the earth and what it produces. Start to focus more on fall and winter foods such as apples, cabbage, root vegetables, dark leafy greens, pomegranates, squash, and citrus. They offer you the best minerals, antioxidants and vitamins you need during this time to stay healthy.
Focus on healthy fats as well like walnuts, flaxseeds, salmon, and almonds. Your brain loves omega 3 fatty acids because it improves/prevents depression, lowers blood pressure and prevents heart complications.
Also, turkey, pureed soups, green tea, and dark chocolate are a favorite this time of year to help you stay warm and cozy.
Lastly, it is crucial to take vitamin D and a B complex as your time in the sun may decrease. These vitamins stabilize your mood, hormones and gives you energy.
Daily Action Steps you can take:
1) Get outside in the sun as much as you can. If you work a 7am-5pm job, then go out on a hike every single weekend... or step outside during your lunch break for five minutes and enjoy some deep calming breaths with yourself. Free vitamin D from the sun is priceless for your mind and body.
2) Find a new type of workout to get your endorphins flowing. Try yoga, take up spinning, find a new at home workout program that excites you.
3) Meditate. Try going within to find energy rather than getting it from others. You have a whole universe inside of you waiting!
4) Get creative in your house and redo a room, start a new craft project or get into a new novel series. Stimulate your mind in a brand new way to create excitement.
Personally I enjoy the shift in seasons. It allows me to explore different aspects of who I am and experiment! Shift Your Perspective!