What 2017 was VS. What it can be...
Enough people have written on their social media accounts that 2017 was a wash.... that they just hated that year. Too much sickness and loss has happened, they were broken hearted, too much natural disaster occurred, too many people left homeless, you get the point...
So then what CAN 2017 be to you NOW if you disliked it then?
2017 can be the year of displaying availability to you.
If 2017 did not deliver to you the expectations you had for it on January 1, 2017, then you can now allow the energy of "availability" to come to you in 2018 so you can grow. You can certainly reflect back on 2017 and see what situations arose that you could have handled better. The past is giving you the availability to change what you did not like or appreciate.
2017 can be the year of unveiling the action of connection.
If you did not like how society separated itself on a whole new level with the outcome of the election, you can certainly start to change that through the personal connections you make. Connecting with others no matter their views creates a chance of human growth one relationship at a time.
Maybe you were upset by how much damage has been done by the natural disasters in the United States. How can you create a deeper connection and help those who have been personally touched by these horrific events?
Without these occurrences in 2017, you wouldn't know otherwise how much human connection has been actually needed.
2017 can be the year of learning energy exchange.
Every single thing we do takes the exchange of energy. If you were not happy with how you dealt with a nasty boss you may have, financial situations you were suffering through, or even a friendship that is ending, you can find ways to increase the awareness of the exchange of energy you give and accept.
2017 can show you that you are the battery operator of your own energy supply.
2017 can be the year of realizing you need forgiveness in your life.
Purging and detoxing stuck feelings is a wonderful thing to do. You may have noticed in 2017 that you are holding a lot of guilty emotions towards a situation or anger towards a particular person. Open your eyes to forgiveness and see a whole new aspect of what can be.
The object of this success secret is to find the silver lining in the things you did not like in 2017 and to look at it in a different perspective.
How can you create beauty out of the disappointments and project that beauty into 2018?
Sending you high vibes for the new year!