What Your Chills May Be Telling You!
Have you ever heard something and gotten chills down your arm, or felt a tingle in your gut? Don't worry! This is nothing to fear- these are the physiological responses of your intuition!
Intuition is our highest wisdom speaking to us.
It is a subtle whisper that is always right and will present itself as a gut feeling or a knowing. Often times it comes with a positive physiological response such as goosebumps when you hear something beautiful, chills when you hear the truth, or an overall expansive feeling. When your intuition tells you something is off, you will get a constrictive feeling, upset stomach, start sweating, or just an overall negative vibe and will want to get out of a situation or environment.
Each person will have their own unique intuitive physiological responses which I will cover below.
Your intuition is very easy to “shoo away” at first or not pay attention to because it will not compete with your thoughts (which can be very loud!).
Your intuition is a subtle inner knowing that leads from the heart and soul which will many times challenge you.
Your intuition will tell you what is best for you and always what is right. Many times we are not ready for that. However, your intuition will eventually always shine through. For example, remember that person you dated that you knew in your gut wasn’t right for you, but you kept dating him/her anyway? And then eventually you broke up? Yup, your intuition was speaking to you the whole time and finally it won.
Your intuition is neither fear nor anxiety.
Fear and/or anxiety comes across as very loud, almost a yelling in your head, and often times start’s with a “what if” scenario. The thoughts start in your head (rather than your gut) and then move down into your body. Your heart will begin to race, you will have a tightness in your chest and then the thoughts will begin to multiply. This is when you know fear has gotten a hold of you or panic sets in.
This is not your intuition.
So how do you begin to understand your intuition?
I want you to get a journal. In this journal, I want you to write down every single time you get an intuitive hit…. it could be a subtle gut feeling, inner knowing or physiological response. But I want you to write the details down when this occurs.
For example:
-4/5/18 6pm I have a strong knowing my client is going to cancel her appointment tomorrow morning
- 4/7/18 3pm I got chills when a woman told me she lost her mom and feels like she is around her often
4/8/18 8am I have a gut feeling and keep hearing a whisper that I need to find a new dentist
Then you can go back to see if anything happened to validate those intuitive hits:
-Actually yes, my client did cancel on me last minute
-I believe I felt the presence of the woman’s mother validating that she is in fact around her often. Chills= truth and validation to me. I have seen this pattern happen time and time again.
-The dentist intuitive hit has not yet been validated, but I will keep my eye on it.
By having this journal, you are then able to see patterns in your intuition, understand which physiological responses mean what for you, and how many times your gut feeling was right on. It helps when you have your journal on you at all times because many times we forget to write it down when we get back home- I know I do!
I hope this exercise brings you to a closer understanding of what your mind, body, and spirit are trying to communicate to you!
Thank you lots and love ya big time!!